Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sayre BP2 IAR 221

The Collective 10
The Petty Science building comes to mind when thinking about the 10 ideas talked about in class. It represents many of the features mentioned all in one building as well as the surrounding area.

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1. Space. The bridge in the foreground of the picture accentuates the fact that the building is actually placed in a low lying area. The bridge connects to the next hill (College Avenue) “bridging” the gap over this “mini-valley”. This makes the building look larger than it is since it is rising above this valley.
2. Power.  The large wings of the building assist in making this a powerful building stemming from the center.  Also the large block behind the pseudo-façade makes the building seem more solid.
3. Experience. This idea is strange due to in class it was represented by the area having an effect on the building such as local architects offering their own ideas to a more popular vision. I see the world as being available at your fingertips so the experience can be gleaned from every culture. This is evident in this very Greek style entrance way.
4. Principals. This is a place of education and is such preserved in the symmetry and mathematical precision seen in the curved stairway as well as the bridge design.
5. Precedent. Following experience precedent is seen again in classical Greek style. Railings may have been added in this fashion, although probably overlooked since it is such a simple idea, used to prevent people from having accidents.
6. Size. These important and prestigious buildings are used to imitate the idea of greatness, and since it is a learning center, can represent success.
7. Order. One definite idea is spread across this building through columns. This is not only represented by the columns themselves, but is instead draws attention to the windows as additional columns. This idea is represented in purple.
8. Scale. One excellent representation of scale is the large façade held up by columns can be seen in a smaller version found above and around the actual door. Therefore the entrance that is established far away can be seen close up as one enters the building. This idea is represented in the diagram in red.
9. Technology. Every aspect of this building contains forms of technological breakthroughs. What speak to me most are the archways underneath the bridge and the technology used in the light bridge to cause an illuminating effect going into the building.
10. Surface. This building is like many others at UNCG with a more muted coloration with brick, off-white, and black tones to possibly cause focus in the studies rather than the buildings. The brick and smoothed stone leave less to be a distraction as well.

1 comment:

  1. Good, I like the diagram. It is helpful to create a bridging between understanding and image. I like the ideas for space. Power is linked to space and displayed by stacking multiple windows. The experience of wings and landscape wrapping while a centered bridge guides entrance and egress towards symmetric principal. The bridge support is to mirror the the curving stair coming which comes from a later period than Greek. Rennaisance I think. In my opinion the curviture is too much in proportion of the stairs. Maybe would be better using triangles to mirror the typanum. Several sizes would have worked and still root the primary Greek detail. Good work and theory.
